
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2019

Sesame Token (SST) - Decentralized Food Social Networking

Sesame Token - is the Blockchain Ecosystem, which is architecturally designed to create a Global Food Delivery Marketplace that is socialized, collaboratively developed, using blockchain technology. Problem Waste food because it doesn't sell it at the end of the day; often dumped rather than sold at the end of the day with a promotion. Find out when restaurants open / close: and don't know about new restaurants in your area or disruptions to normal services. Fake Reviews where no one can verify or validate, which leads to misleading information creating unfair profits for bad restaurant actors. It's difficult to fill in a table or sell shipments on low traffic days / times that can affect bottom line revenue. Low acceptance of cryptocurrency with several use cases that solve real problems. Inability to order at certain restaurants because they are outside the shipping area. Solution Allows restaurants to make last minute transactio...

Cryptoxygen || Volledige oplossing vir Cryptocurrency Trading

Die projek, wat ons vandag sal ontleed, staan bekend as CRYPTOXYGEN (OXY2). Die Cryptoxygen-platform is 'n volledige oplossing vir handelaars met kriptokurrency wat hul ervarings uniek en onvergeetlik maak in die mees sosiale en geanimeerde handelsomgewing. Deur die popularisering van kriptokurrency, het die wêreld baie teenstrydighede gekonfronteer. Een persoon is teen die feit dat hulle verdere voortsetting het, en ander sien die teenoorgestelde in die toekoms. Op sulke tye is dit moeilik om te oordeel watter van hulle reg is, maar die kripto-muntprojekbedryf wys ons steeds nuwe oplossings vir ou probleme. En natuurlik, een van die mees dringende onderwerpe is die omskakeling van digitale geldeenheid na gewone Fiat-geldeenhede en terug. Sulke transaksies duur dikwels te lank, en kan dikwels nie die gebruiker in al die vereiste parameters bevredig nie, met ingang van die verkeerde geldeenheidspaar, wat eindig met sukses tyd en hoë koste. Al hierdie struikelblokke is die bel...