
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2019


Mindsync is a decentralized and community-oriented AI platform where everyone can participate in the developing AI market as a customer, specialist, developer, or vendor to request or create and share AI services as value. Mindsync can be a community-based decentralized AIaaS and ExaaS * platform to uncover client activities with AI technology in the same way as markets for AI solutions and data set training. Customers will need to create special solutions based on artificial intelligence by holding challenges / competition between service providers in the Mindsync community, or they will use ready-made company resolutions that already exist in the Mindsync repository, which is fully controlled by our consultants. Our vision and mission MindSync is the AIaaS (AI-as-a-Service) and ExaaS (Expert-as-aService) platforms. We try to help solve customer business problems through artificial intelligence-based solutions created through beneficial competitions in the community...
AIRWALLET is one of the technologies produced by ethereum, this wallet application is based on ethereum erc-20, and this is one of the cryptocurrency wallets that makes it easy for all users to store assets in a very simple way and this wallet application will accept various kinds of catwalk projects air. Ethereum is one platform that can generate tokens based on erc-20, many crypto experts claim that technology is safe from hackers. Airwallet creates an inseparable bridge between people, through the air and project users by giving them an easier way to interact with each other. Cryptocurrency wallet is digital software that stores your private key, while interacting with the appropriate blockchains, to allow users to send, receive, and manage their digital assets. Even though it has a name (wallet), a cryptocurrency wallet does not really save your funds, but keeps a private and public key pair that gives access to digital assets. Have you ever tried participating in Airdrop ju...

Saturn Black _ Penyedia likuiditas untuk pasar crypto

Yang menonjol di antara ide-ide yang paling sulit di ranah cypto adalah lebih mungkin daripada tidak kemungkinan sebuah organisasi swasembada terdesentralisasi. DAO adalah sebuah rencana hierarkis baru karena itu ia dimaksudkan untuk banyak bekerja dengan mengutak-atik tetapi selain itu mudah. seperti yang diharapkan. Memanfaatkan teknologi basis data berbasis blockchain, DAO adalah asosiasi yang dapat menyalin elemen yang sama dari perusahaan atau bisnis adat, namun yang penting adalah bahwa hal itu dilakukan tanpa terhambat dalam administrasi yang ditanggung oleh administrasi kelompok penasihat. Saturn Network adalah perdagangan DAO terdesentralisasi yang sangat baik dengan semua blockchains EVM.  Misi kami adalah membuat masa depan yang lebih menyenangkan untuk perdagangan mata uang digital, di mana setiap broker dapat menyadari bahwa ia bekerja pada tingkat yang sama.  Di mana banyak informasi pasar tidak dapat diperbaiki dan catatan tidak dapat ditangguhkan...


Die oplossing van GoWithMi, die eerste gedecentraliseerde blokketen waarmee elke gebruiker kan koppel as 'n knoop en elke familie van blockchain-eenhede om 'n nuwe digitale gemeenskap te skep, is die GoWithMi-program so ontwerp dat dit maklik en maklik vir alle toepassings is. regoor die wêreld deur middel van Smart Devices genaamd GoWithMi, laat mense toe om te kies wat hulle met hul tyd doen en produktiwiteitsdata van hulself verbeter en die daaglikse lewens van mense regoor die wêreld, GoWithMi en die vryheid om dit te monetiseer, te verbeter. vir data regoor die wêreld wat baie vinnig is en jy kan daarop reken dat jy nie hoef te bekommer oor die uitruil van jou persoonlike data regoor die wêreld nie en die vertroulike data-uitruiling wat jy het, te verkort en hoef nie bekommerd te wees oor die feit dat (netwerk n blockchain computing ruimtelike Gaia) is baie deursigtig in die oë van ander. GoWithMi herstel na 'n netwerk van die oproep (netwerk blockchain berekenin...